HOW dare Nicola Sturgeon declare that recent allegations of sexual harassment are indicative of a problem with “men” (“Sturgeon asks men to ‘reflect on your own behaviour’ over abuse”, The Herald, November 1)? How dare John Swinney lecture all men on the need to “improve their conduct”. That’s about as sensible as telling all Muslims to improve their conduct in the wake of a terrorist atrocity.

Newsflash for the Scottish Government: men are not a homogeneous group that can be singled out for special criticism and do not share collective responsibility for the behaviour of any individual men.

Sadly, a huge number of MSPs regard it as their mission in Holyrood to progress the battle of the sexes. Being wed to extreme feminist ideology, it is no surprise that the Scottish Government is keen to treat men as an inferior and dangerous group in need of re-education. One can sense the pleasure of the gender warriors at the spectacle of Mr Swinney standing to eat humble pie as a representative of the male of the species.

Perhaps there will be one MSP with the boldness to object to this demonisation of half of the population? I guess not. Most MSPs adhere to feminist orthodoxy, and the few that don’t lack the courage of their convictions.

Sexuality is a powerful force that needs strict boundaries if it is not to become destructive. It is the erosion of these boundaries that leads to the sort of abuse that is sadly so common. The devaluing and trivialising of sex over several decades is the responsibility of those who encouraged it, but abusers are wholly accountable for their own sexual incontinence.

Richard Lucas,

Scottish Family Party, 272 Bath Street, Glasgow