YOUR correspondent Sandy Thomson (October 31) tells us "young people on the streets of Barcelona remind me so much of the equally young Scots who voted decisively for independence in 2014". In which case, his memory is playing tricks with him.

In fact, the British Election Survey confirmed after the Scottish referendum that both the 16-19 and 20-24-year-old age groups rejected independence in roughly the same proportions as the rest of the population.

Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon granted the vote to young people in the belief that they would vote for fairy tales: in the event, Scotland's young people proved to be wiser and more sensible than the Nationalists assumed. As the high-water mark of Scottish nationalism fades with Mr Thomson's memory, the fact remains that the young were not, and are not, as daft as the SNP believed.

Peter A Russell,

87 Munro Road, Jordanhill, Glasgow.

I NOTE another rant from the alternative Unionist universe of Chris Deerin ("Let us thank our lucky stars that we are all Team Scotland", The Herald, October 31) in which he says the Yes Campaign consisted of feral online abuse, posters defaced and ripped down, abuse screamed; also that there was a glut of mediocre politicians. He says independence was largely supported by angry middle-aged men with untidy gardens

Astonishingly, he objects to Better Together being described as Team UK. Was that not what they were all about, the preservation of the UK?

The bitterness shown in the first part of his article contrasts strangely with his plea that we are all part of Team Scotland.

Willie Douglas,

252 Nether Auldhouse Road, Glasgow.