I SEE consideration is being given to reduce Universal Credit (UC) waiting time from six to four weeks. This is to reduce hardship as it is now realised the majority of claimants have now savings to fall back on. Of course not, they would not be seeing UC if they had sufficient income to save for a rainy day.

Do politicians on all sides not understand that for many people unfortunate enough to be out of work and/or on benefits this is their “salary”? For others fortunate enough to be in work and in receipt of a monthly income or pension, what would their reaction be to receiving their bank credit four days late, let alone four weeks?

By all means tighten the rules on eligibility, but play fair with genuine claimants. It is the administration of the system that requires fixing before it loses all credibility.

AW Kelly,

28 Rysland Drive, Fenwick, Ayrshire.