BRIAN Donnelly revisits a commonly held misunderstanding in his article today (“Bed-blocking is costing the NHS £300,000 every day, reveals study”, The Herald, October 23).

More than 70 per cent of the cost of running the NHS is spent on wages.

Such is the demand for hospital beds that as soon as a bed is vacated, there are many others waiting to fill it.

However, the cost of providing and servicing each bed is almost the same whether it is occupied or not.

The private sector is keen to maximise bed usage, but that is because each new patient is paying for the bed. This situation does not pertain in the NHS.

If there were no blocked beds, our NHS could provide a better service, and waiting lists might drop but costs might actually rise.

AJ McKay, Consultant surgeon (retired),

Millhall, Eaglesham.