I MUST take issue with Ian MacDonald (Letters, October 16) regarding Flower of Scotland and the bagpipes. As he indicated, the tune is written for the bagpipes in the key of D major. This, in fact, is the key of Eb major at concert pitch and would be played in that key by an accompanying military, brass or concert band or an orchestra.

The range for singers is from the Bb below middle C to the Bb above middle C for those whose voices are in the soprano and alto register and an octave lower for those whose voices are in the tenor and bass register. The range is a very suitable for those with alto or bass voices. It is a little low for those who have soprano and tenor voices, but it can be sung without difficulty or strain.

I trust this corrects any misunderstanding about the range and singability of the song.

Arthur WA Main,

13/3 Eildon Terrace, Edinburgh.