Randolph Murray writes that “The SNP Government needs to wake up, ditch the EU, and focus on transforming the United Kingdom”(New framework needed for Scotland in Europe, Letters, March 26). He rejects a federal arrangement – Westminster would not allow such an arrangement anyway – and appears to misunderstand the word “confederation”, which usually means among a number of entities with political power vested in a central authority. He tacitly acknowledges that the United Kingdom, despite the Act of Union and the promises made in 2014, has not allowed Scotland equality “truly equal to Westminster”.

If an independent Scotland chose to join the EU however, we would have the same democratic rights as every other member to protect and exploit our national assets, would not have to use the euro and, as everyone knows, could use the pound, with or without Westminster approval. So should we allow ourselves to be disadvantaged more while “Brexit takes its course”?

Why, after 310 years of inequality, must we give Westminster more time to allow us to be equal and when, as I ask my socialist, but unionist acquaintances, will Westminster allow anything approaching socialism in the United Kingdom? Lewis Carroll would have loved to write a story around these fantasies that have kept Scotland disadvantaged for so long.

Bill McLean
