AS local councillor for the area I am sure I have talked to many more residents of Craiglockhart in Edinburgh than John McLellan over the past five years.

I know residents can spot a Tory ploy when they see one. Urging people to vote in council elections to “send a message” and therefore ignore the calibre of the candidates or the vital services councils provide is a cynical tactic to boost Tory advantage at the cost of electing councillors who can do the job.

Residents in Craiglockhart remain angry that all three Tories on the planning committee voted to back the Craighouse scheme on Easter Craiglockhart Hill which is ripping the heart out of precious green space and spectacular A-listed buildings. I, other Green councillors and 5,000 local objectors battled against it.

If saving the planet starts at your own back door, the Tories failed at the first hurdle.

Gavin Corbett,

Green councillor for Fountainbridge-Craiglockhart,

28 Briarbank Terrace, Edinburgh.