FOLLOWING a Freedom of Information (FoI) request, “how many FoIs have been requested over the last two years by our Scottish political parties?”, I received the following data – Labour: 326; Conservative: 84; Lib Democrats: 50; SNP: 8; Greens: 1.

This has confirmed my concerns that opposition parties and their researchers are using FoIs for political means to search for scraps of data to politically attack the public sector, particularly education and health.

I have two concerns arising from this approach. First, the opposition parties, in particular Labour, are using FoI requests to talk Scotland down – looking to find fault at every opportunity. As a retired teacher, and recognising education and health have always been political footballs, I feel saddened for teachers, parents, pupils, doctors and nurses that their hard work and commitment are constantly being undermined. These groups need praise, encouragement and support – as well as good policies, more money, better conditions and more staff.

Secondly, the number of FOIs requested by these politicians means that hard-working public officials, teachers and NHS staff have to stop their day jobs and spend thousands of hours carrying out administrative tasks to supply data which is often used as a political stick against their own public services.

My message to opposition politicians is please stop using Freedom of Information to talk down Scotland, our public services and our people. Use the information to work with the Scottish Government to make these services the best they can be. The people who live and work in our great country deserve better.

Gordon Ferrie,

Corran Cottage, 3 Craigbrae Court, Straiton, Maybole.