I think I speak for most if not all of your readers when I extend my warmest congratulations to Laura Muir and her triumphant and emphatic victory in the 1500metre final of the European Indoor Championships (Super Muir collects her gold at last, Sport, March 5). It not only set the new British record but eclipsed the championship record which had stood for 34 years.

I was disappointed, therefore to find that the story appeared on pages 16 and 17 of the sport section of your paper that day (albeit a picture did appear on the back page of the news section itself directing the reader to the article on the third-back page of the sports section).

I find it difficult to understand the continued apparent insularity of our newspaper editors, which prevents them from recognising that special things happen outside of the world of football and on such occasions, this should be reflected in the priority given to these achievements in the banner headlines of our sporting publications. Laura Muir is already a champion and set to be one of the greatest athletes this country has ever produced.

As a nation we should be already recognising this and enthusing the nation young and old to sit up and take note. I’m sorry, but an article on Pages 16 and 17 just doesn’t do that.

Eddie Morrison

East Kilbride