In reply to Alasdair HB Fyfe's complaint of "under-funding, understaffing and under re-sourcing" of Scotland's NHS, may I point out that the Scottish Government is committed to ensuring that the NHS revenue budget will rise by £500 million more than inflation by the end of this Parliament, and that the numbers of doctors and nurses working in our NHS has increased significantly (Pay up and save the NHS Titanic, Letters, February 26).

Of course there are challenges which must be met, but given that in a recent survey more than 90 per cent of respondents expressed satisfaction with the care they had received from the NHS, it would seem that while the health service is certainly not perfect, neither is the situation as bleak as Alasdair Fyfe suggests. Indeed, many health professionals (including junior doctors) south of the Border look with envy towards Scotland and the quality of our healthcare, free at the point of need.

Ruth Marr
