Following your report, the Scottish Government should have called a moratorium on the proposed huge expansion of salmon farming (Revealed: pollution leaves 45 lochs in Scotland a risk to human health, News, February 26). As the Government seems reluctant to do anything to upset the mainly Norwegian owners of salmon farms operating in Scottish waters it is up to protect our marine environment by refusing to give planning permission for any new fish farms or extensions to existing farms.

Until we know what effect the enormous increase in the use of chemicals at salmon farms is having on our marine environment we must put a halt to anything which is going to increase levels of pollution.

John F Robins,

Secretary, Save Our Seals Fund

Your article concerning the state of many Scottish lochs did not quote one example of a breach of the limits set by SEPA. One can only presume these breaches, while unacceptable, were only just in excess of the limits and do not support the emotive claims made.

Dr Martin Jaffa

Callander McDowell, Manchester