IN the whole panoply of tributes to Tommy Gemmell, the following may seem rather insignificant, but not to me.

At Tony Roper's 50th birthday party (not yesterday then...) held on a ship berthed on the Clyde and wearing high

heels, with drink taken, I stumbled and nearly tumbled over a side railing into the river.

Fortunately another guest whom I didn't recognise, but who was strong, tall and athletic, grabbed my dress and yanked me to safety.

"You know who has just saved your life...." said my husband aghast, "Tommy Gemmell!"

Every time Tommy subsequently appeared on TV or in the news, I would shout to my daughters, "That's the man who saved my life... "until they were sick of hearing it.

At the time, I didn't know Tommy from Adam … I do now. A real gent and a hero.

Sheila Duffy,

3 Hamilton Drive, Glasgow.

TOMMY Gemmell was, like all the other members of the Lisbon Lions side that won the European Cup, born in Scotland

No other team had before, or has since, won the European Cup with a side composed entirely of nationals from the country they represented.

Celtic were not a "British" team. They were champions of Scotland representing their country in the European Championship.

Willie Douglas,

252 Nether Auldhouse Road, Glasgow.