I WAS shocked to read that in this day and age in the United Kingdom the might of a faceless state can bear down on a 53-year-old mother of two British sons and a granddaughter and have her deported from a country she considered home for 30 years ("Deported mother: I’ve been treated as a terrorist", The Herald, February 27).

Irene Clennel? had to leave the UK to care for her parents.

Her predicament involves her husband having had to have an income of £18,600 per year to enable her to reside in this country. However, this figure should surely be the sum required 30 years ago when she arrived in this country.

Here is a caring woman having done no wrong being treated like a criminal and being dumped overseas. What is so concerning is the silence from the MPs and MSPs who should be fighting her corner and standing up against the Home Office officials.

Bruce Duncan,

Rosedale Drive, Glasgow.