ONCE more the SNP government is trying to split the country with its unfair rebranding of the council tax bandings in order to appease its own supporters.

Bands E to H have been significantly increased, while those in bands A to D will pay no increase, other than that imposed by their respective councils. The services that people in bands E to H receive are exactly the same as those in the lower bandings. A smaller percentage increase should have been applied across the board, rather than penalising those who have saved all their days in order not to be looking for handouts.

I live in a house rated as band E, but this was purchased 37 years ago at a cost of £21,500. My wife and I rely on pensions which aren't exactly generous and, with Glasgow's top-up of three per cent will now have to pay an extra 10.5 per cent in the coming year.

If the SNP considers it represents all the people of Scotland, why does it not treat everyone fairly, rather than hitting pensioners and those with savings with such disdain and outright disregard?

Gordon Blackwell,

10 Valeview Terrace, Glasgow.