LIKE Colin Mackellar (Letters, February 27) I am Glasgow-born and bred, and he is right to complain about the disgraceful litter which despoils so much of the Dear Green Place. But I cannot agree when he goes on to blame the city councillors for this, by failing to ensure that finance and staff are available to clear up the continual mess.

Sadly it is the citizens of Glasgow, and perhaps a few of the visitors, who are responsible for the mountains of litter everywhere, not the councillors. More often than not it is young people who are the guilty parties, as can be seen by the streets around our schools, colleges and universities. I have seen college students finishing their carry-out lunch and throwing down the plastic boxes within two steps of an available litter bin, and schoolchildren coming out of a fast food shop and discarding the wrappings and uneaten items on the pavement without a thought. I often wonder if the homes of these young people are as dirty and littered as our streets, and if so what are their parents and neighbours doing about it.

The city council cleansing department has plenty of staff and vehicles constantly touring the streets, cleaning pavements and emptying litter baskets, but they are fighting a losing battle. It is not a matter of councillors providing more cash, it is up to the parents to train their own children to behave responsibly and to take a pride in their own native city. But I won’t hold my breath.

Iain AD Mann,

7 Kelvin Court, Glasgow.