In response to the EU referendum result, as organisations representing children and young people in Scotland we call on the UK governments and EU to: protect the rights of children and young people; ensure children and young people are meaningfully involved in decisions that will shape the future of the UK and the EU; and work to mitigate any negative impact the result may have on children, young people and families from other European countries who currently live in the UK.

Our work and beliefs are underpinned by the rights enshrined in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). Our position is shared with the pan-European children’s advocacy network Eurochild.

Under article 12 of the UNCRC, children and young people have the right to participate in decisions that affect them. The UK ratified this in 1991. It is therefore obliged to ensure these rights are realised for all children in the UK and to support international cooperation for the realisation of children’s rights across the world.

Despite the fact 16 and 17-year-olds in Scotland were able to vote in the Scottish Parliament elections just a few weeks ago, and despite the fact young people across the UK are able to get married, join the army and be in full-time employment, they were denied the right to have their say in the most important decision of recent times – one that will have far-reaching consequences for their future.

It is imperative the voices of children and young people are heard loudly and clearly at such a crucial time in shaping the future of Scotland, the UK, and indeed the EU.

Throughout the UK, 75 per cent of voters aged 18-24 voted to remain in the EU. In Scotland, only 11 per cent of the 72,744 responses from young people aged 12-25 to the Scottish Youth Parliament’s recent Lead the Way Manifesto wanted to leave the EU.

In order to have active and engaged citizens, it is vital devolved and UK governments proactively engage with children and young people immediately to prevent potential disengagement and disenfranchisement. They must ensure every policy and legislative decision made helps to address the concerns of these young people.

The long-term impact of this decision on European families who have made their home in the UK remains to be seen. However there have already been reports of citizens being subject to racist and xenophobic abuse.

Abusive and intolerant behaviour has no place in our society. This message must be communicated widely, clearly and definitively. All children should have the opportunity to grow up happy, healthy and confident – and recognised as individual rights holders.

The UK electorate’s vote to leave the EU opens a period of profound uncertainty on both sides of the Channel. While attention will focus on stabilising the economy, our political leadership must also address growing inequality and disaffection in our societies. Dangerous levels of social division are prevalent across Europe. This is toxic to our democracies. If politicians are serious about bridging that divide, children’s rights and the fight against child poverty must take centre stage.

With respect to ending child poverty and promoting children’s well-being, we broadly know what works. We can compare and contrast performance across countries, and identify effective policies and practices. The EU itself has documented this analysis in a policy framework, its Recommendation on Investing in Children, which has achieved consensus across civil society, academics and policymakers.

We know we need a long-term approach, with balanced attention to financial resources and service provision. Critically, children need to be recognised as agents of change, not passive recipients of support.

Wherever the negotiations lead us, it is children and young people who have the greatest stake in our countries’ future. Children are not future citizens, they are citizens now – and they will face the consequences of decisions over which they have little or no influence. It is time for politicians of all parties to unite around a common moral purpose of ending child poverty. Only then will we build truly inclusive societies where everybody has an equal opportunity to fulfill their potential.

Jackie Brock, Chief Executive, Children in Scotland; Tam Baillie, Children and Young People’s Commissioner Scotland; Katie Burke MSYP, vice-chairwoman, Scottish Youth Parliament; Martin Crewe, Director, Barnardo’s Scotland; Jana Hainsworth, Secretary General, Eurochild; Juliet Harris, Director, Together;

Lynne Tammi, National Co-ordinator, Article 12 in Scotland;

Alison Todd, Chief Executive, Children 1st; Ali Khan, Executive Chair, ROSHNI; Peter Kelly, Director, the Poverty Alliance.