EVERYONE knows that the European Union is far from perfect. It has numerous detractors yet does provide cash for rural areas that would otherwise receive minimum help from central government. There are many new roads in the Highlands that it has funded to the benefit of local communities.

Richard Mowbray (Letters, February 3) is fortunate to be resident in a major city where the government appears to be able to fund major projects. It is noticeable that most detractors of the EU live in these conurbations.

Mr Mowbray also takes exception to immigrants being given EU passports. Scotland now has a major problem with a large ageing population and is going to need immigrants to provide the necessary services. The refugee crisis is horrendous, particularly in the European mainland. Britain sits on the periphery of these events so let's not forget that the crisis in the Middle East was brought about by America and Britain interfering in these countries. Compassion seems to be in short supply.

Wilf O'Malley,

11 Delnies Road, Inverness.