IT was refreshing to read of Ruth Davidson’s decision to "come out" in terms of her sexuality (“I struggled to reconcile faith with sexuality”, The Herald, November 5).

Like Ms Davidson, I am a member of the Church of Scotland, and do believe that the word of God is contained within the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, but I do not read them literally. If I did I might believe that child abuse and slavery were acceptable.

I believe that one has to read the Scriptures (written many years ago) in the light of more recent God-given knowledge. I do not believe that we can choose our sexuality, and we should therefore accept people as they are. My reading of scripture suggests that we should love our God and our neighbour as ourselves.

I do not share Ms Davidson's political views, but nevertheless she has grown in my estimation in speaking out in terms of her sexuality and her Christian faith.

Ron Lavalette,

69 Whitlees Court, Ardrossan.