KEN Smith's piece on Billy Graham ("Praising the Lord at Ibrox Stadium", The Herald, October 31) reminded me of a song we used to sing in the 1950s about the great man. It was composed by one Morris Blythman and set to the tune of a Welsh comic song called Cosher Bailey. Morris was a passionate promoter of Scottish culture and mentor to a small group of budding folk music enthusiasts which included Archie Fisher, Ewan McVicar, Josh Macrae and several others. Here's a bit of the song as well as I can rememberL

Billy Graham came to Glasgow for to save us from damnation,

And like Trigger and Roy Rogers he was welcomed at the station.

CHORUS: Did you ever see, did you ever see, Did you ever see

Such a servant of the Lord?

Billy spoke at Hampden Park but the fans thought he was kiddin'

When they read a great big notice saying "Swearie words forbidden.


Billy spoke of fire and brimstone 'til he had us weak and trembly,

The devil sent Stan Mathews and they hammered us at Wembley.

(Changed the words here, because I can't remember the score.)

And there's lots more.

Jimmie Macgregor,

Holyrood Crescent, Glasgow.