WHATEVER hopes there are of culpability being an outcome of the Chilcot Inquiry must surely dissipate with the latest word from that receding faraway entity that it will be next summer before light of day illuminates it. If ever the whole issue of holding suchlike inquiries has propelled itself into disrepute the Chilcot one must rank foremost. What a circus of whitewash with clowns randomly running about wielding brushes drenched in the stuff and carrying pails from which the same stuff is slopping out all over the ground, and the spectators inside the big tent only being able to laugh in the absence of any sensibility.

Even any exactitude of date for next summer 2016 is conspicuously missing from the so-called Inquiry update. That either GW or Tory Tony is likely to be even grilled before yet another purposeless parliamentary select committee is about as likely as Elvis arriving at the forthcoming Edinburgh Hogmanay Party.

As for any appearance at the International Criminal Court, if that is anywhere near a likelihood Chilcot himself will be singing I Ain’t Nothing but a Hound Dog at the festive bash.

Ian Johnstone
