YET another level of pretentious gastronomy has been revealed courtesy of (“Chef goes wild as he makes custard out of hare's blood", The Herald, October 28 ". Some will be angered, others revulsed, but most will be non-plussed by the "guerrilla dining" display table.

In a nation already obsessed by food supported by endless TV cooking programmes surely our obese ridden society does not merit a further food for thought offer. Spare us the details ... and the entrails.

Allan C Steele,

22 Forres Avenue, Giffnock.

SO here we go again. Bacon, sausages and all processed meats are carcinogenic (“Eating bacon and ham linked to bowel cancer”, The Herald, October 27). Add them to all the other potential killers that we eat every day and there's not a lot left. And don't mention sugar or alcohol.

Given that we have an ageing population (of which I am one) that according to all reports is putting the NHS under enormous strain, why don't the food Furhers just leave us oldies to get on with it and kill ourselves in our own sel- indulgent fashion? Glass of red and a ham sandwich anyone?

Celia Judge,

Finnick Glen, Ayr.