CLIFF Richard played the Glasgow Empire for a week in 1959, and unlike English comedians who were regularly booed off, he encountered only screaming fans who mobbed the theatre. With Cliff are four fans who won a newspaper competition to meet him in his dressing room. Neil Ritchie, right, probably at the insistence of his parents who didn't want folk to think he was a Teddy Boy, wore his immaculate school uniform - I believe that might be a Hutchie Grammar badge there. Ann McLean, left, has a demented stare which these days would have pop singers applying for restraining orders.

Cliff and the two lads have something in common - all appear to have scooped liberally from the Brylcreem jar. Nowadays spendthrift parents fork out up to £500 for their weans to take part in a brief "meet and greet" with singers before concerts. Now that could buy you a lot of Brylcreem.