I NOTED with considerable interest, as a Paisley Buddy, that Sean Guthrie, with “her nibs”, has moved to reside in one of the more leafy parts of Paisley (“Prince anthem can rouse this town”, The Herald, October 3). I remain doubtful about that particular piece of music having the capability of getting the Buddies en masse stirred up.

I noted that he took a stroll recently to investigate his new environment. While he mentioned many of the attractions in central Paisley, he omitted to comment on the magnificent Thomas Coats Memorial, the “Baptist cathedral of Europe”, and the outstanding High Church, the second church to be built in Paisley after the Reformation. Moreover, within a short stone’s throw of the Coats Memorial Church he would be able to visit the bench and plaque, installed at the site of the since-demolished Wellmeadow cafe, in which an incident took place in 1928, involving the partly decomposed remains of a snail, which subsequently changed the law of negligence in many countries throughout the world.

While mentioning Anchor Mill, he did not refer to the fact that Paisley was a world centre for thread making for well over 100 years. I hope that he takes the opportunity, after settling in, to familiarise himself with the delights of Dyers Wynd, Cotton Street, Thread Street, Shuttle Street, Lawn Street, Silk Street, Mill Street, and Gauze Street, all parts of the town famous for the Paisley Pattern and Paisley shawls.

The Paisley motto is Lord, Let Paisley Flourish by the Preaching of Thy Word. There has in these more secular times perhaps been less emphasis, to the regret of some, on the preaching of the word. However, let us hope that the flourishing of Paisley will receive a boost by being successful in its aim to become UK City of Culture in 2021. Such an event would lead one and all to follow the exhortation of Benjamin Disraeli to “keep your eye on Paisley”.

Ian W Thomson,

38 Kirkintilloch Road, Lenzie.

If Sean Guthrie has moved to Paisley he has reached the centre of the universe. I come from Paisley and often wish I'd stayed. I got my primary education at the John Neilson. Board up Glasgow. Paisley has everything.

Ian Hamilton QC,

Lochnabeithe, North Connel, Argyll.