Let's face it break-ups can be pretty awful. That overwhelming numbness in our stomachs whilst we force ourselves to watch The Notebook for the hundredth time and of course our sudden lack of interest in all things nutritional, but it doesn't have to be this way. I’ve been there myself, a skinny emo kid completely lost in his emotions dealing with the situation in every wrong way possible. Sadly there are very few situations I haven't found myself in, here's my guide to coping with a break-up without resorting to serenading them outside their bedroom window (I never did this, promise).

Day 1: The toughest day of all. It's still raw and there are a lot of unanswered questions that you’re desperately seeking answers to. Trust me when I say turn your phone off! This is the one day in which it’s very easy to embarrass yourself and as someone who has been both the dumper and the dumpee I promise you giving space is vital. The worst thing you can do is continue pestering someone, you will only succeed in pushing them away further. If you are trying to win someone back, the best thing you can do is let them miss you! Cry, there's no shame in it. Let it all out, we're only human and break-ups hurt, cry as much as you need to but the second you stop, look in the mirror and laugh at the state of your face. Laughing is an amazing cure for most things in life.

Day 2: So yesterday was tough, really tough, but it can’t get any worse. Things still won’t be easy but you need to shake yourself off and at least attempt to be positive. Make a playlist. We've all been there when that one song that reminds you of your ex comes on, the one you used to lie in bed together listening to, planning a lifetime of memories. Sadly this too is now a memory, don't let this happen or you'll find yourself back at the beginning of day one. Listen to all the music in the world but be strict with yourself, stick to positive, uplifting songs, nothing slow, depressing or romantic and under no circumstances are you to listen to Adele! I personally recommend a bit of old school rap, you may find yourself shaking your bum in the mirror at a time when even getting out of bed seemed impossible.

Day 3: Time to hit the road – in your trainers that is. The benefits of even a ten minute run are incredible. Clear your mind, get David Guetta booming on your Ipod and just run! It worked for Forrest Gump (without the Guetta) and it worked for me. I pounded the pavements like a marathon runner almost every day. Do not under any circumstances stay in bed!

Day 4: Spend time with friends and family. It's important to remember there are other people in your life, people who love you and actually want to spend time with you. Avoid the subject of relationships. If you’re a guy moan about the football, laugh at your mates dodgy new tache and if you’re a girl ask your gal pals 'omg, what is she wearing?' Or if you're like me, do all of the above.

Day 5: Remember all those things you wanted to do but couldn't because your partner drank your money away last weekend? Well here's your chance to be selfish. Treat yourself! It's been a difficult few days and you probably need a little pick-me-up. Go and buy that leather jacket you wanted or those sickeningly expensive shoes, you deserve it. Or even better get a makeover, a new haircut for a new you (cheesy but true).

Day 6: Keep busy. Occupy yourself, it won’t always stop you from thinking about your ex but it'll certainly help. Take evening classes, learn to cook, anything that helps The world is your oyster, you're a talented person you just never had the time to show it.

The Herald:


Day 7: Let your frustrations out. Possibly one of the most important days of all. It's time to let it all out again but crying is a little too morbid at this point. Be a badass, hit the gym and hit that punch bag harder than you've ever hit anything in your life. Show them what you're made of, it's a release that can be just as good as sex.

Day 8: Delete the photos. You knew this day was coming but you've already proven how strong you are, rip the band aid off. Once it's done it's done. We both know looking at them was only making things worse.

Day 9: Let's be honest you haven't been eating all that well this past week, it's time to give your body a break. Go to your favourite restaurant and order your favourite meal, do not stop eating until your shirt is literally popping buttons! Trust me your newly visible ribcage says you need it.

Day 10: Plan ahead. You may still have dark days from time to time but you’re over the worst and by this point you know what works for you. Try and remind yourself of your ex's bad points, of your good points and of all the opportunities at your disposal as a result of being single. Be grateful for the good times you shared, but trust that everything happens for a reason and that eventually, you will meet someone else. Focus on your career, book a holiday, just be you again. Life can always be worse.