THIS Volkswagen fiasco of fiddled data to meet with European Union regulations prove that bureaucrats setting regulations on anything is not working in the real world. We are not just talking about global warming regulation here but right across the spectrum bureaucrats rule on.

For a start the myth of man-made global warming rests on fiddled data to try to prove it is actually happening, then our ruling bureaucratic elite, note not our politicians, take over highlighting their faked figures to make us believe the higher costs are needed to save the planet.

EU and Volkswagen in this instance both have same reasons for fiddling the figures, to make us believe these figures are important to our lives.

The EU is following the history of the Soviet Union bloc in making its industries competitively expensive, causing a man-made slump across Europe. A Polish friend told me under communist bureaucracy people had work and money but the shops were empty, now shops are full of goods but most people cannot afford to buy things in them.

The fate of those within the EU's grasp is to repeat the failures of Soviet Union.

Eric RS Davidson,

Isengard, 21, Bruce Street, Macduff.