On thinking of this idea for months finally a supermarket has taken it up....or has it ?

I noticed Sainsburys has introduced loose bananas at the till queues, alongside all the sweets. Great ...I thought.

Until I saw that 20p per banana is being charged.

With no bunches of loose bananas on sale, only pre-packaged bananas, priced by weight and the option of selecting - paying for loose bananas removed from their self service tills.

Surely this kind of mark up price of loose fruit is less of an incentive to those looking for a healthier option. They should be half that price.

If supermarkets are to make inroads into fighting the obesity epidemic which they play a major part in causing, charging extra for their loose fruit in this sneaky way is not the way to go.

Jill Ferguson,

1/1, 6 Crow Road, Glasgow.