So Glasgow has been honoured as a White Ribbon city for its efforts to end violence against women, and Councillor Jim Coleman, chairman of the board of Glasgow Violence Against Women Partnership, has expressed satisfaction (City honoured for bid to end violence against women, The Herald, October 3).

The trouble is that an exclusive focus on ending violence against women is apt to suggest that violence against men, whether committed by women or by other men, is all right or at least not so bad. That is not so. A smashed-in face is not less deplorable because its possessor is male.

There may be some stereotyping at work here. If you start from the premise that all men are seething with violence, then violence against men may come to appear as no more than just deserts for what they would all inflict if given half a chance. But that premise is false.

Paul Brownsey,

19 Larchfield Road,

