I frequently write in support of SNP policies because they are the most progressive to be found among the larger parties and against the reactionary antics of the British nationalist parties (Sack 'Lord Firestarter', Labour leader is told, News, September 20). However, the response of many in the SNP to Mike Watson’s rehabilitation is, frankly, disgusting; it was at the time of his conviction and even more shamefully it remains so today.

Watson paid the price for a stupid and dangerous act (which harmed no-one) while under the influence of alcohol. The SNP deputy leader at Westminster, Stewart Hosie, may think that Watson is the only person in Scotland ever to have done such a stupid and dangerous thing under the influence or perhaps he thinks that all people who do stupid and dangerous things while struggling with alcohol or mental health issues should be barred from taking up jobs years later when they have been punished (in this case by a prison sentence) and have been of “good behaviour” since. I certainly agree that the House of Lords should be abolished but on the question of rehabilitation (and smearing opponents), the SNP are on the wrong side this time.

Brian Dempsey

School of Law

University of Dundee