We admire the fantastic job Judy Murray is doing in coaching youngsters around Scotland, but Park of Keir is not the right location for her dream project ("Murray threat to quit bid for sports complex", The Herald, September 18). It is a pity that she did not take on board the background of two public inquiries rejecting housing and the strength of feeling of many local residents wishing to preserve the greenbelt.

It is contrary to all relevant planning policies on development in the countryside and greenbelt. The community park will not be gifted to the community at all but will be owned and run by the developers through a community interest company they claim would protect the land. There is no such thing as a guarantee of no more housing 10 years down the line. This is the same developer that signed an agreement 10 years ago that they would not apply for development of this land in the future.

In any case the greenbelt will have already been destroyed and in its place we will have urbanised parkland with traffic, lighting, noise and activity, all detrimental to wildlife and biodiversity.

Judy Murray says she is tired of the two-and-a-half year fight. Well so are we, but we have had nearly 25 years on and off, of trying to defend this land from developers. If we are accused of nimbyism we do not apologise; who else will protect this precious green belt?

Frances Fielding,

RAGE (Residents Against Greenbelt Erosion),

Kilmun Cottage, Pendreich Road,

Bridge of Allan.