MUCH comment on former Glasgow MP Lord Watson's career rising from the ashes and being appointed as a Labour spokesman by Jeremy Corbyn. Tory MSP Murdo Fraser, mastering the art of speaking with his tongue lodged firmly in his cheek, commented: "Getting a bit fed up of this persecution of poor Lord Watson. Who among us hasn't got drunk and tried to incinerate the house and occupants?"

THE Pope visiting Cuba takes us back to when our old colleague Tom Shields went there for the visit of Pope John Paul, but his press accreditation got lost, and an immigration official told him firmly that he could not work as a journalist and was instead merely a pilgrim. In fact if he did any reporting, he could be arrested. Thus Tom's first piece for The Herald began: "What you are reading is not a report on the papal visit to Cuba. It is a rather lengthy postcard from an accidental pilgrim."

IT was reported last week that the number of fish in the sea has nearly halved since 1970. As Nikki Erskine commented: "As a single woman this does not surprise me one bit."

A READER tells us he was in a Glasgow pub at the weekend when a fellow customer was complaining about being a bit short of cash. He came up with the inspired suggestion: "If only cash machines were fitted with breathalysers, then I'd be a lot better off."

THE death of glamorous novelist Jackie Collins reminds us of when she appeared at a Herald book event in Glasgow and an audience member told her: "I worked for your father - he was very nice." Jackie, though, who was sent to live abroad with her sister Joan by dad Will after being expelled from school, witheringly replied: "Probably to you." "Oh, well," said her Glasgow questioner with a shrug of her shoulders, "he paid me well."

EVERYONE it seems has been recalling a year ago when the referendum was held in Scotland. We do like however the comment on social media of John Penman who said: "Is it really a year today? That feeling of crushing disappointment after the hope and anticipation.

"But to be fair, St Mirren played quite well."

Yes John is a Thistle fan and was indeed recalling the two-one defeat to the Paisley side.

A READER phones with the advice: "Kids! ensure no fires break out in the bathroom by leaving two inches of water on the floor after you've had a shower."

TOO late! A colleague catches our eye and wanders over to tell us: "My wife said she had set me up in a new job in the circus, being shot from a cannonball.

"I went ballistic."

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Says Derek Manson-Smith: "Cycling across Sweden, my son spotted Basil's retirement hideaway."