RUSSELL Vallance presents a scholarly summation of the constitutional justification for our present Queen adopting the style, “'Elizabeth II”. I recall my history teacher, back in 1953, using the same argument to quell the mutterings of my classmates around the time of the coronation. His reasoning still didn't prevent most of us, myself included, scratching out the numeral “II” on the souvenir propelling pencils Edinburgh Corporation presented to each of us.

At the time we were fully aware that he had taught us about James I, rather than James VI, acceding to the throne of the United Kingdom on the death of England's Elizabeth I (up till then usually referred to as Queen Elizabeth or “Good Queen Bess”. He explained this apparent anomaly as it being the custom for the monarch to choose their own title.

This begs the as-yet unanswered question as to why a queen who, we are told, cares so deeply for Scotland should deliberately choose this insulting title. Mr Vallance may believe that a future King James or Robert or David would adopt Scottish regnal numbering but as my late mother would have put it, "I hae ma doots". She might even have gone further and said "And the band played 'Believe it if ye like'".

David C Purdie,

12 Mayburn Vale, Loanhead, Midlothian.

HAVING always subscribed to George Cullen’s school of thought that our present Queen should have taken the title “Queen Elizabeth I” (Letters, September 12), how intrigued and fascinated I was to read Russell Vallance’s submission.It was a very detailed and convincing missive, indeed; and it gives much food for thought.

I was particularly interested to learn of the “higher number” practice adopted by Prime Minister Churchill and the then Secretary of State for Scotland, in 1953 – and of the implications for a future King James, Robert or David, should we ever have an appropriately named monarch.

May I, however, correct one point on the current succession. I believe that Prince Charles plans to ascend as George VII, and not as Charles III; with his grandson, Prince George, hopefully, becoming a future King George VIII.

Brian D Henderson,

44 Dundrennan Road, Battlefield, Glasgow.