A SLICE of Glasgow heritage up for sale as The Halt Bar in Woodlands Road sells off its horseshoe bar before it it is refurbished.

They only want £200 but you have to dismantle it in sections and take it away. Let's hope it goes to an actual bar and not some rich person's playroom.

Anyway, The Halt was always known for its great music sessions and we remember a reader telling us he once saw the pub was advertising a "Reggie Night". He went along hoping to hear one of the Kray Twins singing but the place was just full of folk in dreadlocks, so he left disappointed.

STILL pleased with your Christmas presents? A reader attending Inchinnan Community Club saw a chap holding out a wallet for inspection and explaining: "My wife kindly got me this new leather wallet for Christmas, but I didn't really need one, as the one she got me 20 years ago is still in great condition."

However that only drew the stinging riposte: "Aye, you find if you don't open them very often they last for ever."

SEEMS you can't even buy foreign currency with your debit card without being asked for some form of identification these days. It reminds us of the chap in the Irvine building society branch who was asked for proof of identity, and returned with his mother. The assistant explained that what they really had in mind was a driving licence, passport, or something similar. ''It's a sad day when ye cannae get your ma tae identify ye,'' replied the unhappy Ayrshire customer.

WE like the way police forces are making their Twitter accounts more entertaining than simply listing the latest road closures or traffic accidents. Greater Manchester Police announced yesterday: "Man refused entry to club as he was told 'Not in that jumper'. So he takes it off and queues again. While he was waiting, someone else stole it, put it on and strolled into the club."

The police then added: "And the man whose jumper it was got refused entry again. Not his lucky night."

YES, the politics surrounding the terrible events in Paris are still being debated. As Gary Delaney opined: "It's nice of Prime Minister David Cameron to take time off jailing people for offensive tweets to go to the free speech rally."

FIRST dates can often be difficult. A reader swears to us that he completely forgot a girl's name on a date and thought it would be inspired to suggest going to Starbucks for a coffee in the hope that the server would ask her name and write it on the coffee cup while they waited for it to be made.

OUR tales of public singing remind Terry Keegans of the old but great line: "I was attending a village hall concert in the Borders where an elderly couple were giving a rendition of Welsh folk songs. After a few songs which were received less than enthusiastically by the audience,

the lady singer asked if there were any requests. One wag called out, 'Can you sing o'er the hills and far away?'"

WE mentioned Michael Portillo's latest railway forays to Scots towns including Greenock, Larkhall and Motherwell. Says reader Andrew Haddow: "Have to say there were hackles raised in our house when Senor Portillo visited the remaining steelworks in Motherwell and was impressed by them. It's a pity that his pal, Michael Forsyth didn't feel the same, or might still have more of them."

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A garage not really marketing itself very well.