MY late father was rector of Linlith­gow Academy.

He also taught Alex Salmond and other members of the Salmond family. I have heard on occasion that Mr Salmond still refers to my father's teaching and beliefs regarding education, suggesting he still holds my father in high regard.

Dad was an honest and fair man who hated bullying and wanted the best for his pupils and his community. He hated any form of segregation or sectarianism.

Mr Salmond has succeeded in creating divisions across Scotland that were not there before and that will still exist after the referendum, no matter which way the vote goes.

Stories of intimidation, violence and vandalism are rife. Freedom of speech is under threat. Relationships between neighbours are now threatened if you indicate which way you are voting.

For these reasons and many others, on behalf of my family I respectfully request that Mr Salmond never mentions my father in public again as, were he alive, he would be appalled at what is happening across our country.

For the record, Dad always said Alex wasn't the politician in the Salmond family.

Fiona Scott,


Glenburn Drive, Kilmacolm.

ALEX Salmond frequently refers to the arrogance of the No campaign and in particular to the arrogance of the Westminster establishment. He often rakes reference to the London-based politicians not listening to the Scottish people.

It seems that no matter which respected business or organisation offers an opinion about their legitimate business concerns over a Yes vote, they are summarily dismissed by Mr Salmond as scaremongers. These are not politicians with a political angle but senior business people who are more concerned with growth, prosperity and stability. By far the most arrogant person in the campaign is Mr Salmond. It is up to the Scottish people to consider who is more likely to be telling the truth: a collection of Scottish business leaders or a politician who has spent his life aiming to separate Scotland from UK at all costs.

Ian Cameron,

47 Lampson Road,


WITH all due respect - in view of his direct association with John Smith - to Mike Elrick (Letters, September 11), I would like to offer a different perspective.

Mr Smith's tragic (and untimely - never has the word had more meaning) death in 1994 can perhaps be identified as the starting point for where we all now find ourselves. To elaborate, I would offer that if he had led Labour to victory in 1997, and had lived for a first term at least, the following would have transpired.

l The Scottish Parliament would still have been established in 1999 (the obvious one);

l A form of PR would have been agreed with the Liberal Democrats for UK parliamentary elections;

l The Conservatives would probably have been consigned to per­petual opposition in the UK Parliament;

l The UK would never have taken part in the Iraq war - and indeed would probably have succeeded in preventing it;

l Labour would have been able to continue to live up to and apply its core values across the UK and in Scotland;

l I would - probably - not have resigned from the Labour Party and - possibly - not have become such a committed supporter of independence for Scotland;

l Tony Blair would never have become a multi-millionaire, a Middle East "peace envoy" and Philanthropist of the Year.

I leave others to suggest further "what if" or "if only" scenarios.

Finally, I would therefore (with all due respect again) offer that Mr Elrick's argument that Mr Smith, if still alive, would be in the No camp has no logical foundation, and perhaps does less than justice to his memory.

Harry Archibald,

23 Tiree Crescent,

