Summer is filled with many delights, from longer days, hotter weather, and the school break to more time outside to enjoy the better weather.

However, with the warmer season comes the start of many inconveniencing bugs, including flying ants.

Although relatively harmless, flying ants can often be an annoyance to many outside and inside during summer mostly because you never seem to just get one of the kind at the time.

The bugs even have a day dedicated to them with 'Flying Ant Day' marking the day there seems to be the most flying ants around.

But, Flying Ant Day should really be Flying Ant Month as the bugs tend to stay around a lot longer than you would like.

How long is flying ant season?

According to the National History Museum, 'flying ant day' is really a "misconception".

Explaining that there is "no single day when ants fly all at once."

The experts add that the "winged ants actually emerge over several weeks, although there are often several peaks in appearances, each lasting only a few days. The precise pattern of swarming varies from year to year."

How long do flying ants live?


According to Pest Defence, a flying ant can live from two weeks to 15 years.

They explain that female ants live much longer than males.

A reproductive male flying ant tends to live for only two weeks, as they die once they are done mating.

However, a female flying ant, in the right conditions can live for up to 15 years with the queen of the colony most likely to live for the longest compared to working ants that have a lifespan of around seven years.