The public will be invited to pledge allegiance to King Charles as part of his coronation, organisers have revealed.

It comes as part of the modernisation of the coronation which will see the first female clergy as well as the public being given an active role in the ancient ceremony for the first time.

The first ever Homage of the People has been described by Lambeth Palace as being a “sense of a great cry around the nation and around the world of support for the King.”

The new public invitation will replace the traditional Homage of Peers in which a long line of hereditary peers knelt and made a pledge to the monarch in person.

Now, the Homage of the People will allow “a chorus of millions of voices” to be “enabled for the first time in history to participate in this solemn and joyful moment”, Lambeth Palace said.

The Herald:

What is the oath of allegiance?

The oath of allegiance is when a person wishes to acknowledge ‘a duty of allegiance’ by swearing loyalty to a monarch or a country, according to the UK Government website.

How do we pledge allegiance?

During the service, the Archbishop of Canterbury will call upon “all persons of goodwill in The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and of the other Realms and the Territories to make their homage, in heart and voice, to their undoubted King, defender of all”.

The order of service will read: “All who so desire, in the Abbey, and elsewhere, say together:

“All: I swear that I will pay true allegiance to Your Majesty, and to your heirs and successors according to law. So help me God.” It will be followed by the playing of a fanfare.

The Archbishop of Canterbury will then proclaim “God Save The King”, with all asked to respond: “God Save King Charles. Long Live King Charles. May The King live for ever.”

What does allegiance mean?

Showing allegiance to a monarch or country means that you are showing your loyalty and commitment to the subject.

The Herald:

Public reacts to the pledge of allegiance to King Charles

The allegiance has received mixed reactions with some calling it an ‘insult’ towards the public.

As one Twitter user wrote: “I’m not sure this pledge of allegiance to the king is going to go down well. So far everyone be mentioned to has rolled their eyes, laughed, or said something along the lines of “That’s not going to happen…”

Whilst another added: “I’m a monarchist, but even I baulk at this. It would have been better to confine the pledge of allegiance to the peerage, but most of them aren’t invited.”

However, others think it should be a personal choice: “To all those complaining about the pledge of allegiance during the Coronation: it’s voluntary. This will be a joyful moment as people around the world give their support to the new King. But no one is forcing anyone to do anything.”