Beavers could soon return to Scotland’s northwest Highlands for the first time in 400 years after a fresh plan was launched to reintroduce the vanished species.  

An application is to be made for a licence to release up to six beavers transported from Tayside, where they have been living wild and face being culled, to Glen Affric. 

The decision to go ahead with the plan, which was met some with local opposition, comes after an extensive consultation. 

The site would become the fourth in Scotland to see the reintroduction of the aquatic mammal, which was wiped out by hunting and changes to the landscape in the 1600s. 

Rewilding charity Trees for Life – working on behalf of a partnership that includes government agency Forestry and Land Scotland (FLS) and four private landowners – is driving the scheme. 

Following an initial trial at Knapdale in Argyll, beavers have already been released at Argaty, near Doune, and Loch Lomond, were two of the juvenile animals were subsequently killed by an otter. 

The Herald:

A beaver is released at Loch Lomond

The application will be developed over the coming months and submitted to NatureScot for approval, which could see reintroductions take place in Loch Beinn a’ Mheadhoin as early as autumn this year.  

The community consultation ran from late July to October last year, and was extended by four weeks to allow more time for local people to respond.

READ MORE: Family of dam-building mammals released

It included face-to-face meetings, a series of drop-in events, and wide-ranging discussions with the local community. 

As a result, Trees for Life backed off a plan to also release beavers at nearbby Strathglass. 

“We’ve worked hard to ensure an inclusive, considered consultation, with all voices having the chance to be listened to.  

“This has been key to our recommendations going forwards, and we’re very grateful to everyone who took part,” said Alan McDonnell, Conservation Manager at Trees for Life. 

He added: “The return of beavers to Glen Affric would be a story of hope and renewal. These remarkable animals can help us tackle the nature and climate emergencies.  

“Their dams create nature-rich wetlands that also absorb carbon, reduce flooding downstream and improve water quality. We believe it is important that the community is closely involved in following how these animals progress into the future.” 

The Herald:

Beavers on Tayside

FLS Environment Manager Colin Edwards said: “FLS are ideally placed to assist with the Scottish Government policy to support a significant expansion of the range and size of the beaver population within Scotland over the next 10 years.  

READ MORE: Two kits die in 'otter attack'

“We are committed to seeing beavers reintroduced to suitable parts of Scotland where their presence will bring ecological benefits, and we are therefore supportive of this proposal. 

 “However, we are sensitive to the concerns of adjacent landowners and the local community. Therefore it is important that any plans to bring beavers to this part of Scotland are done with the involvement of those most directly affected.”