A fresh weather warning of 60-70mph gales has been issued for much of Scotland just as the country clears up after the weekend’s storms.  

The Met Office has put in place a yellow alert from much of the North East on Tuesday, although forecasters say most of the country will be affected.   

The spell of bad weather is predicted to last from the early morning until 6pm at night, and could see powerlines brought down and dangers from falling trees. 

The alert also warns that some travel could be disrupted, while the coasts could be affected by high seas and large waves.   

The Herald:

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There will also be wet weather in many areas, though the weather is not being labelled as a full storm.  

A Met Office Forecaster said: “The yellow alert has been put in place as a precaution following the weekend’s storm as there will be a lot of high winds. 

“It won’t be as bad as the weekend, but there is still the danger it could affect trees and structures which have already been weakened. 

“It will be worst in the North East, but everywhere will see a bit of wind and the rain is likely to be widespread.”