A FRESH appeal for a man who went missing over a year ago in Glasgow has been issued by Police Scotland.

Vincent Barr went missing from the Tradeston area of Glasgow in 2020, and investigators are appealling to the public again in attempt to locate him before his birthday on January 6. 

Also known as Vinny or Bardo, the 54-year-old who's originally from the Milton area but was living in Govan, was last seen crossing the Tradeston footbridge, also known as the ‘Squinty Bridge’, around 9.10 pm on Friday, September 18, 2020. 

He’s then seen walking towards the wider Tradeston area.

Vincent is described as white, 5ft6 to 5ft8 in height, with a medium build, with short light-brown hair and brown eyes.  He walks with a slight limp and when last seen, he was wearing a grey Nike hoodie, black jogging bottoms and grey training shoes.

Police have said his family are seeking closure and hope the new appeall can help.

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Inspector Bob Anderson of Helen Street Police Station, said: "It is Vincent’s 56th birthday on the 6th of January and there is nothing more we would want than for him to be found and reunited with his family.

“Unfortunately, despite significant enquiries and searches, he has not been seen or heard from since he was last seen in Tradeston nor the other areas he frequents, such as Glasgow City Centre, Saracen, Possil and the West End of Glasgow.

“His family are understandably devastated about him being missing and not knowing where he is; they just want him home.

"I would again urge anyone who has possibly seen Vincent, or who has any knowledge of where he might be, to please get in touch with us.

"It's imperative any information, no matter how small, is passed onto local officers.  Please call 101, quoting reference number 1116 of Sunday, 20 September, 2020."

The Herald: