Comedian Janey Godley has told her fans she is suffering from ovarian cancer. 

The Glasgow-born comic had to cancel the last dates of her current tour this month after falling unwell. 

She posted a heartfelt video on social media saying she is being treated for cancer and is currently in hospital, and that she was preparing for the "next step on her journey".

Speaking in the short film from her hospital bed, she said: "I'm really sorry I can't make the Musselburgh and Edinburgh shows this weekend. It's the very last dates of the tour. 

"And the tour has been so brilliant and so very well attended. But unfortunately I was doing the tour while I had, unbeknownst to me, ovarian cancer.

"I just got checked out yesterday and that's why I'm in this very beautiful corner hospital room in Glasgow."

She added: "I'd like to thank everybody for all their support and their help, and for coming out and sharing so much laughter with me.

"On to the next step of my journey — and what is that journey?. I don't know if I'm going to be one of those people who 'battle bravely' and who 'fight every step'. I don't know.

"That doesn't feel how I've been the last day. I've done nothing but cry, and cry and cry. But I'm going to use science, and I'm going to try and cope on this next step of my journey."

The comedian found viral fame with her dubbed pastiches of Scotland First Minister Nicola Sturgeon’s coronavirus news briefings during the pandemic.

She featured in Scottish Government coronavirus adverts but they were pulled after offensive tweets by her came to light following an investigation by the Daily Beast website.

The Herald:

The comedian speaks at a Scottish Independence rally 

The news broke soon after the Covid-19 ads featuring Ms Godley, for which she was paid £12,000, were released.

Godley has profusely apologised for the tweets and donated the fee she was paid by the Scottish Government to charity.

Hundreds of people have responded to the tweet sending best wishes.

Godley was due to appear at the Festival Theatre in Edinburgh on Friday and The Brunton in Musselburgh on Saturday.

In her video, she urged fans to check for symptoms sumilar to hers, which included having no energy, loss of appetite, and feeling bloated. 

She added: "I got it checked out, and it's ovarian cancer. So ... onwards and upwards. I want everyone to know I really appreciate them for being behind me for so long, and you will see what happens next.

"I want to thank the NHS who have been unbelievably brilliant. Just brilliant. Look after yourselves and I'm sure we'll speak soon."