Its Gaelic name translates as 'little bay' but there are big ambitions for a scenic town in the Scottish Highlands.

Scots are being urged to get behind a campaign to achieve city status for Oban, which will compete against other UK towns for the designation. 

Argyll and Bute Council has also agreed to develop a bid for the town, which has a population of around 8,490, to become a UK City of Culture in 2029.

Council leader Robin Currie said the dual bid was about promoting Oban as a "great place to live work and invest".

He said: "I would encourage everyone to get involved in helping Oban, and Argyll and Bute, win."

The Herald:

A report compiled to support the bid argues that Oban is in a strategically important position on the west coast of the Highlands and Islands and is the "gateway" to island communities.

It is described as a key transport hub, with one of the busiest ferry ports in the UK and "good road, rail, active travel and air links."

Oban is a designated University Town with more than 1,000 students including the world renowned SAMs (Scottish Association for Marine Science) institute.

The council says it has a growing population, an expanding and diversifying economy, and is an important tourist hub, with its population boosted from 8.5k to 25k during peak summer periods.

Members of the public are being urged to show their support on the council's website.

The Herald:

The UK Government launched civic competitions, which include granting ‘city status’ in 2022, as part of the Queen’s platinum jubilee celebrations next year. It has also announced a competition for UK City of Culture 2029. 

For the first time, the honour is not restricted to cities but can be entered by a place, making Argyll and Bute eligible.

Councillor Currie said: “This is all about bringing opportunities for growth and success to Argyll and Bute.

"This area is rich in culture and heritage, and is the cradle of the Gaelic language.

"This makes Argyll and Bute a strong candidate for UK City of Culture.”

To show support for Oban city status go to