Couples across Scotland will be able to enter mixed-sex civil partnerships from today after campaigners pushed for a change in the law. 

Previously, only same-sex couples could opt for a civil partnership, while heterosexual couples had only the option to marry. 

The introduction of mixed-sex civil partnerships means that both mixed sex and same sex couples can now choose whether to marry or enter a civil partnership. 

With the Civil Partnership (Scotland) Act 2020, the Scottish Government has introduced mixed-sex civil partnerships in Scotland.  

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Couples have been able to submit a notice of intention to enter a mixed-sex civil partnership in Scotland from June 1, 2021.

However, in line with usual practice for marriage and civil partnership, a requirement for a 28-day notice means the first mixed-sex civil partnerships can be entered into from June 30. 

Campaigners say many heterosexual couples prefer to formalise their relationship – and enjoy the security and benefits of a legal partnership – through the formation of a civil partnership.

Minister for Equalities Christina McKelvie said: “I welcome the introduction of civil partnerships for all couples.

“We have now embedded equality of choice on how to formalise their relationship in the way that best reflects their beliefs and ensures access to the rights, responsibilities and benefits which flow from entering a legally recognised relationship.  

“This ground-breaking change in law demonstrates our commitment to creating a fairer and more inclusive society for all.

“I wish good luck to all couples who are entering Scotland’s first mixed-sex civil partnerships.”

Equal Civil Partnerships campaigned for a change in the law in England and Wales, where mixed-sex civil partnerships where introduced at the end of 2019. 

Since the introduction of the Civil Partnership Act (2004) same-sex couples have been able to enter into civil partnerships. 

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The Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act 2013 legalised same-sex marriages in England and Wales from March 2014, while Scotland, operating under devolved law, also allowed both same-sex marriage and civil partnerships.

The Herald:

An Equal Civil Partnership spokesperson said: "Mixed-sex civil partnership is a modern, baggage-free alternative to marriage.

"It allows a couple to choose the legal and financial protection for themselves and their family in the same way that marriage does but without the historical and patriarchal connotations that put many couples off.

"We are delighted that Scotland now allows mixed-sex couples to form this legal relationship and that is now available throughout Great Britain."

What is the difference between marriage and civil partnership?

Civil partnership and marriage are almost identical, and civil partners have the same rights and responsibilities as married partners.

However, there are some small procedural differences: while civil partnerships are registered by signing the civil partnership schedule, with no words required to be spoken, marriages are solemnised by saying a prescribed form of words.