Alex Salmond left this earth doing what he loved most, advocating for the role of an independent Scotland on the world stage. Shock descended across the country last Saturday as news of his death, at a conference in North Macedonia, spread over the airwaves and on social media.

The political titan will perhaps be best known for shaping modern Scotland in his image. After all, it was his leadership which dragged the SNP to the political mainstream and set the course for seventeen years of nationalist government.  

A decade ago, Salmond was on top of his game, having brought Scotland to the brink of independence just seven years after taking office as First Minister. And, in a rejection which reverberates to this day, the people of Scotland said No. 

For those who grew up in Scotland under Salmond’s premiership, and came of age in the post-Indy Ref milieu, how will he be remembered? 

Robert Reid with Alex SalmondRobert Reid with Alex Salmond (Image: Robert Reid)

Robert Reid, 25, said Salmond’s greatest legacy was how he “inspired an entire generation to take an interest in politics and the future direction of our nation.”

Reid, an aide to Alba Party leadership, added: “Despite being too young to vote in 2014, I was swept up in that wave of energy and hope - which made it a privilege of my life to have worked for him over the last two years. 

“His zeal for Scottish independence was infectious and his biggest driver. That passion was transferred to his staff and those around him, meaning we worked relentlessly as we had complete trust and faith that everything he did was to advance the cause of Scottish independence.”

“It is for this generation, and for generations to come, to ensure that the end vision that Alex had for our nation will be reached.”

Read more from Josh Pizzuto-Pomaco:

Salmond’s death sparked condolences from all sides of the political chamber, including those who stringently opposed his policies in life. 

Conservative activist Shane Painter, who, at 21, was one of the youngest parliamentary candidates last July, said: “The independence referendum sparked my interest in politics — something that would never have happened without Alex Salmond. 

“While I disagree with many of his views, it’s clear he laid the groundwork for the SNP's success in the 2015 UK General Election, which effectively wiped out Labour in Scotland and transformed the political landscape.”

Painter remarked that Salmond “energised” young people across the country, adding: “He compelled us to engage with the political system and shape the future we envision for our country. Moreover, he reignited the independence debate in a way that still dominates our politics today.”

David LaingDavid Laing (Image: David Laing)

Independent voter David Laing, 19, is involved in local politics in Aberdeen. 

He said: “Salmond’s political legacy will forever be remembered for the way in which he shaped the modern Scottish political landscape that we know of today - be it for good or worse.

“His politics inspired young people on both sides of the constitutional question to get involved in our country’s political scene.”

Ellie Koepplinger, 27, is a growth strategist and the womens’ officer for Young Scots for Independence (YSI) Glasgow. 

Kirsten KossKirsten Koss (Image: Kirsten Koss)

She remarked: “Alex Salmond was an exceptional man. Not only did our dream of independence become so close to reality because of his leadership, but his collaborative approach to policymaking meant I grew up believing in a tuition free future.”

Kirsten Koss, an education campaigner and independence supporter, said: “I think Alex Salmond will be remembered as a key figure in the Scottish Independence movement. It's undeniable that he brought independence from the fringes to the forefront of Scottish politics.”

The 26 year old added: “Though I wasn't his biggest fan, without him, independence wouldn't be on the cards and for that I thank him very much. Alex Salmond was a dedicated public servant who committed his entire working life to what he believed in – I sincerely hope that is how he is remembered.”

Yet, there’s no doubt that the last ten years have cast a pall over Salmond’s legacy. 

Read more on the passing of Alex Salmond:

He was acquitted in 2020 of numerous allegations of sexual assault, hosted a broadcast show on state-controlled network Russia Today, and had a highly publicised falling out with one-time acolyte Nicola Sturgeon. 

How do members of Gen Z, many of whom came of age amidst the #MeToo movement, grapple with this contested legacy?  

Jack Boag, 24, said he felt “sympathy” for those who made allegations against Salmond. 

The SNP member added: “Regardless of that behaviour not crossing the threshold into being a criminal offence, the reaction from his supporters and parts of the media in the years after the trial and now in death makes me continue to feel that way.

Alex SalmondAlex Salmond (Image: JASON REDMOND)

“I absolutely think the alleged behaviour sullies his legacy. He left the leadership of the SNP with an immense amount of goodwill from the party at large as an ‘elder statesman’ figure but the knowledge of his personal conduct in office and the actions he took to respond to those accusations burned through all of that.”

Koss took a more nuanced approach, remarking: “As a young woman, of course I feel uncomfortable about the allegations and you can't help but think this is something another woman couldn't make up.

“However, in the years before the indyref, Alex Salmond was one of the most formidable politicians in Scotland. I was never really a fan of his, however perhaps his brashness was what made him successful.”

When the scandal first broke in 2018, Salmond unequivocally denied claims of sexual assault, although he conceded he was “no saint” and had “made mistakes.”

At the time, he told the BBC: “I have not sexually harassed anyone and I certainly have not been engaged in criminality.”

Reflecting on the allegations, of which Salmond was ultimately acquitted, Koepplinger said: “It's devastating that such a powerful legacy remains tarnished by the scandals that followed his later career; including splitting the party that was supposedly so close to his heart.”

Alex SalmondAlex Salmond (Image: PA)

Laing added: “Salmond’s personal flaws, which he admitted existed to some degree, cannot be forgotten and should be a reminder to all that power comes with responsibility that must never be misused.”

How does one weigh a man’s political genius against his (alleged) personal failings? 

For many of these young leaders, Salmond remains a key inspiration. However, and perhaps more importantly, they are able to examine his life and legacy with a critical eye. From their perspective, there is no need to whitewash history. 

For better or worse, Scotland’s next generation has entered the political arena. Who among them will be our next great politico? Who will learn from Salmond’s mistakes? Who will draw strength from his achievements? 

Those who grew up in the country Salmond built will be the ones to shape its future. Perhaps that is his greatest legacy.