A Fatal Accident inquiry into the death of Peter Tobin has concluded that there were "no substantive learning points" identified.

The serial killer was sentenced to life for the murders of Angelika Kluk in 2006, Vicky Hamilton in 2008 and Dinah McNicol in 2009.

He died on October 22, 2022, having been suffering from cancer but refused medical tests.

A Fatal Accident Inquiry is required whenever a person dies in custody, and the findings on Tobin's death have been released.

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It found that Tobin suffered a fall on September 8 of 2022 which was not witnessed, having left his walking stick in his cell and returned to collect it.

He was assessed by a nurse and a prison officer and reported that he was in pain but "ok".

Tobin was later taken by ambulance to Edinburgh Royal Infirmary where he was diagnosed with metastatic prostate cancer, delirium against a background of dementia and pneumonia acquired in hospital which was treated with oral antibiotics.

He also had heamaturia in his catheter and acute left leg ischaemia.

Tobin was informed that it was unlikely he would be discharged and was seen by a palliative care team. He had a do not resuscitate order in place.

At around 04.55, security officers guarding the killer informed a nurse that he appeared to have stopped breathing. The nurse was of the opinion that he had died, which was confirmed by an advance nurse practitioner at 05.35.

The cause of Peter Tobin’s death was 1a: bronchopneumonia in a man with a fractured right next of femur (surgically treated on 9 September 2022), generalised vascular disease and prostate cancer.

The FAI found there were "no substantive learning points" to be identified.

Procurator Fiscal Andy Shanks, who leads on fatalities investigations for COPFS said: “We note and welcome the Sheriff’s determination.  

“The Procurator Fiscal ensured that the full facts and circumstances of Mr Tobin’s death were presented at the mandatory Fatal Accident Inquiry.”