A consultancy that focuses on science, technology and the built environment has hailed year-on-year growth for almost two decades straight.

Now the company aims to "support even more clients in these sectors to achieve their goals using more effective communications".

Here, Perceptive Communicators founder Julie Moulsdale gives her insight into the communications business in our Q&A.

Location: Glasgow

Business Description:

Perceptive Communicators is a multi-award-winning communications consultancy that exists to support its clients who are improving lives and transforming futures every day in the built environment, science and technology.

Julie MoulsdaleJulie Moulsdale (Image: Perceptive Communicators)

Perceptive has a unique business model of focussing on just a few specialist sectors, so has an unparalleled depth of experience and insight, as well as strong senior networks of contacts that can be brought to bear for clients. Perceptive is also laser focused on clients’ goals, ensuring that whether PR, marketing, social media or public affairs, this is relentlessly aligned to supporting clients’ priorities.  

To whom do you sell? Clients in science, technology and the built environment who are improving lives and transforming futures every day.

How many employees? 10

What is the turnover? Not disclosed.

Why did you take the plunge?

Having spent 15 years as a client with great brands like IBM, PwC and RBS Group I was frustrated with the generalist approach of consultancies that I worked with which meant a longer learning curve, impacting on the ability to deliver results effectively. As a result I thought a different business model of a more specialist approach focusing on just a few sectors could be more effective. I was determined to leave a legacy and impact positively on others’ lives, hence the choice of sectors of science, technology and the built environment, including housing which has such a profound and proven impact on personal outcomes.


I also often felt like consultancies and clients were different tribes and they didn’t really understand each other’s challenges. It is important that we really understand the client perspective and the vast majority of our employees have once been a client themselves.

Finally, I have always had a clear purpose of wanting to make a positive impact on others’ lives. As a result from the beginning Perceptive has had this purpose. We use this as our north star to guide on decision making, from the sectors we work in and the clients we work with to the people we hire.

 What were you doing before?

I spent 15 years working as a client in communications and marketing roles for blue chip brands like IBM, PwC and RBS Group.  I worked across the UK in a variety of roles from Communications Officer with IBM at the start of my career to Head of Corporate Communications at RBS Group. I was also seconded to a Divisional Director role whilst at RBS Group which was a great opportunity to work at such a senior level for an international brand when it was at the crest of the wave.

What do you least enjoy?

I’m very lucky and enjoy most things.  But I really dislike being bored, so I’m always on the go!

What are your ambitions for the firm?

At Perceptive we have a really clear purpose of supporting clients in science, technology and the built environment who are improving lives and transforming futures every day. Our plan is to support even more clients in these sectors to achieve their goals using more effective communications. We've achieved sustained and consistent 20% year on year growth over the last 18 years since launch.  This is a remarkable achievement for any businesses and one that I’m keen to continue. We have a fantastic team who have grown and developed as the business has grown. I’m keen to continue to support this so we reward loyalty and hard work with strong development and even better opportunities.

What single thing would most help?

A magic wand to help us grow even faster!

What is the most valuable lesson you have learned?

The importance of people and how important good relationships are with your network. We are really fortunate to have such loyal clients, some have been with us for over a decade which is pretty unusual.

What was your best moment?

There have been so many. When you see clients’ visions come to life it is really fulfilling.  Working on the Athletes’ Village for the Commonwealth Games and with Clyde Gateway for the last decade has been pretty magical in terms of the transformation and the positive legacy that’s been created.

We have been working with Lost Shore Surf Resort for seven years and the last time I went onsite it felt like I was stepping into the CGI we have been looking at for years. That was quite emotional and made my heart sing to think of the small but important role we have played in bringing this exciting project to life. 

What was your worst moment?

Covid was really hard, especially in relation to my team. I found it really tricky not to be able to see my team in person, so see how they really were, rather than just on Zoom.

How do you relax?

Staying physically fit helps my mental health maintenance, so I try to walk, dance or play golf most days of the week. We have implemented flexible start and finish times at Perceptive for a variety of reasons, including helping to accommodate physical activities before or after work as we understand and are committed to the positive impact of this on physical and mental health.