The Police watchdog has called for officers in Scotland who abuse their position to face a similar criminal charge to those in England and Wales.

But should they?

READ MORE: Police Scotland officers who abuse their position should face criminal charges

According to His Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Constabulary in Scotland (HMICS), Craig Naylor, said the introduction of the policy would “strengthen public protection from officers or staff who misuse their position for personal gain” and “put the service in a strong position.”

Officers in England and Wales can already be charged with committing misconduct in public office but, as it stands, there is no such offence for Police Scotland.

In the police watchdog’s annual report, Naylor urged the Scottish Government to consider implementing legislation.

Officers in English and Welsh services have recently faced charges in relation to offences including the inappropriate sharing of information, or unauthorised access to police systems.

A bill to bring in similar provisons in Scotland, the Police (Ethics, Conduct and Scrutiny) (Scotland) Bill, is currently at stage two at Holyrood.

What do you think?

Should Police Scotland officers face criminal charges for misconduct?