A new fish farm off the coast of Skye has been given the green light after initially being rejected last month.

Councillors in the Highlands have approved plans to create a new fish farm at Balmaqueen, but it came after they rejected similar proposals for one at nearby Flodigarry, off the northeast coast of Skye.

Both of the proposals put forward by Organic Sea Harvest were rejected by the local authority’s north area planning committee, who said it would create visual blight off the coast of the island.

However, the decision has been overruled by the full council after officers recommended the approval.

Organic Sea Harvest who lost its first planning appeal for the fish farms in 2020, had reduced the number of cages from its initial proposals to build ten salmon cages near Flodigarry and another ten at Balmaqueen.


Although the councillors who opposed the plans acknowledged the farms could bring social and economic benefits to Skye, they added that they were “not considered sufficient to outweigh the adverse visual and coastal impact on the special qualities of the special landscape area".

Speaking to STV News, Alex MacInnes of Organic Sea Harvest said: “We will have to reflect on today, in particular some of the comments that were made by members [councillors].

“We possibly need to revert to some of what was stated.”

Katie Tunn of the campaign group Skye Communities for Natural Heritage said: “For them, it’s business, it’s money. For us, it’s where we live.

“They talk about being a local company but our communities at Flodigarry and Balmaqueen have overwhelmingly said no – our community councillors said no.”