John Swinney will face questions from Holyrood’s committee conveners on Wednesday – the first time he has done so as First Minister.

The senior MSPs will have a chance to quiz the SNP leader on a variety of issues during the Conveners Group meeting.

The conveners of Holyrood’s 15 committees are expected to ask him about his Programme for Government and the upcoming Budget, as well as other topics being investigated by their respective committees.

Mr Swinney set out his first legislative programme earlier this month, while the Scottish Government has also announced it is making savings of around £500 million as it seeks to balance the books.

The session will begin at midday on Wednesday.

Mr Swinney set out his first legislative programme earlier this monthMr Swinney set out his first legislative programme earlier this month (Image: Michael Boyd/PA Wire)

MSP Liam McArthur is chair of the Conveners Group as well as being one of Holyrood’s deputy presiding officers.


He said: “A critical aspect of the Parliament’s work is that committees can hear evidence from members of the public, representatives from organisations and ministers, as part of their scrutiny.

“This Conveners Group session will allow conveners to raise some of the topics discussed in committees with the First Minister.

“This is also the first opportunity for parliament’s conveners to speak to John Swinney about his plans as First Minister, the Programme for Government and in year budget decisions.”