A neo-Nazi who amassed a huge weapons stash at his home in Falkirk has been found guilty of a number of crimes, including planning to commit an act of terrorism.

Alan Edward, 54, was arrested in September 22 when police surrounded his house and broke down his front door.

Officers found weapons including a crossbow, 14 knives, machetes, a tomahawk, a samurai sword, knuckledusters, a catapult, an extendable baton and a stun gun.

Some of the weapons had Nazi and SS insignia, with police also finding an SS-style skull mask, goggles and a respirator, fighting gloves with hardened knuckles, pellets, ball bearings, and hunting tips for crossbow arrows.

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He was found guilty on Monday of charges under the terrorism act, as well as racism, anti-Semitism, holocaust denial and breach of the peace.

Edward, who had nearly 28,000 social media followers, wrote "the quickest way to someone's heart is with a high power 7.62mm round".

A document found on his computer referred to Norweigian neo-Nazi mass murderer Anders Breivik as "Saint Anders".

Prosecutor Paul Kearney KC said Edward was "a man who with clear neo-Nazi ideals - preparing for an act of terrorism which would include an ideologically-driven incident of serious violence".

Detective Chief Superintendent David Ferry, head of Police Scotland’s Counter Terrorsim Unit, said: “Edward shared extreme racist and homophobic content online with the aim of stirring up hatred and spreading fear and alarm.

“He also had a clear fascination with weapons and had amassed an array of items which could clearly pose a significant risk to the public. 

“Promoting terrorism and extremism and sharing material that could endanger the public has no place in our society and Police Scotland will not hesitate to investigate this kind of behaviour both on and off-line.

“We are committed to combatting terrorism and help and support from the public is vital. Anyone with information on a terrorist threat should contact Police Scotland on 101 immediately.”

He will be sentenced on October 21 at the High Court in Edinburgh.