Sir Keir Starmer has insisted his Labour government can offer supporters of independence a changed Scotland.

Speaking ahead of the 10th anniversary of the 2014 referendum, Sir Keir said he had "long understood" why many Scots wanted to leave the UK.


In July’s election, his party returned 37 MPs, up from the one they won in 2019. It was a remarkable turnaround for Labour in Scotland, who were almost wiped out after the referendum.

Sir Keir told Scottish journalists: “I think the argument we made at the election was the right argument which is Scotland needs change, I completely acknowledge that.

“But that change can be brought about by a Labour government.

“That’s the most meaningful, impactful and immediate change that people could vote for and they did.

“That was the message we carried into the election, we now have 37 Labour MPs.”

The Prime Minister continued: “I actually long understood why so many people in Scotland want change,” adding “We’ve got to show and deliver in the future and we can only deliver in the future in my view by changing and making sure we deliver a changed Scotland.”

Sir Keir said his party’s success at the election “puts a heavy duty on this Labour government to deliver the change that we promised".

This, he added referring to the efficiencies and measures taken to combat a £22bn black hold in the public finances, was why they were doing the difficult work now.

“Equally I want to be able to say in four or five years' time ‘I asked for your vote and basically have delivered change and now we will deliver the change that you want.'”