Motorists face disruption on the A9 due to forthcoming resurfacing and road marking improvement works. 

BEAR Scotland, on behalf of Transport Scotland, is set to carry out the works at multiple locations on the A9 between Blair Atholl and Dalwhinnie from Sunday, September 22.

Traffic Scotland said the works "will enhance road safety and improve the driving experience for road users". 

Works will be carried out in sections overnight from 7pm to 6am to minimise the impact on drivers, with BEAR Scotland committed to completing the works by the morning of Wednesday, October 2.

READ MORE: Major M8 roadworks which sparked tailbacks to end early

To ensure the safety of drivers and roadworkers at the various locations, traffic lights will be in place and traffic will be guided through the works at 10mph by a convoy vehicle. There will also be a reduced speed limit on to control traffic on approach to the sites.

Outwith working hours, traffic management will be removed and the road will be open as usual. There will be no works on Friday or Saturday nights.

Ian Stewart, BEAR Scotland’s North West Representative said: “These surfacing and roadmarking improvements on the A9 between Blair Atholl and Dalwhinnie will fix existing defects and greatly improve driving conditions for road users.

“Our teams will carry out these works quickly, with safety as our top priority. We thank the local community and road users for their patience while we complete the improvements.”